CLEAR: Confidential Life Insurance Evaluation and Recommendation


In an era that is certain to include greater oversight and fiduciary responsibility, now is the time to distinguish yourself from competitors.

Clients today insist on several key qualities in your practice: expertise, transparency, disclosure, objectivity, leverage and an attentive, proactive service relationship. CLEAR is designed to ensure that you stand out from your competitors and deliver the highest level of professional services to your clients.

How will CLEAR enhance your practice? You will -

    • secure and expand relationships with existing clients
    • develop multigenerational client relationships
    • cultivate valuable referrals from professional advisors

So what is CLEAR about, and why is it a vital resource for you? Let's look at the four CLEAR components that will separate you from your competitors:

    • Assessing and Documenting Needs Suitability
    • Underwriting and Mortality Analysis
    • Existing Coverage – Keep, Remediate, Replace or Exit?
    • Keeping the Client Well Informed - Inforce Servicing

Additional Resources

Veralytic - Another Breach of Fiduciary Duty Case Involving Life Insurance